The 2025 Jubilee

Preparation for the Jubilee in 2023 and 2024

Pope Francis asked that during the two years leading up to the Jubilee, the first be dedicated to the rediscovery of the conciliar teaching, and the second to prayer. This first year was therefore dedicated to the council, with the suggestion to the faithful to rediscover the four conciliar constitutions, documents that concern:

the Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium);

the Church (Lumen Gentium);

Sacred Scripture (Dei Verbum);

the relationship of the Church with the
contemporary world (Gaudium et Spes).

After the year dedicated to the study of documents, 2024 will instead be the year of prayer.

Jubilee Hymn 2025

Singing is an element that blends seamlessly with prayer, as evidenced by the importance of sacred music in the tradition of the Church. For this reason, a hymn for the Jubilee was composed by the composer Pierangelo Sequeri, the title of which
recalls the motto of the event:

Pilgrims of hope

The words touch on the different focal themes of this Jubilee, such as creation, fraternity, God's tenderness and hope in the destination.

Jubilee Events 2025

The start of the Jubilee year will be on Christmas Eve 2024, with the opening of the Holy Doors in Rome: San Pietro, San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo Outside the Walls and Santa Maria Maggiore.

During the Jubilee year, several cultural and entertainment events such as exhibitions and concerts will take place in the capital.

The Jubilee 2025 logo

the Jubilee 2025 logo depicts four stylized figures embracing each other. The figures, of different colours, represent humanity coming from the four corners of the earth, while the embrace indicates
solidarity and brotherhood. The first figure is clinging to the cross as a sign of the faith that welcomes, but also of hope.

Below these figures we then see waves, which symbolize the fact that the pilgrimage of life does not always take place in calm waters: personal events and historical events can make some moments more difficult than others, but precisely for this reason we must stand firm in faith and hope. Thus the lower part of the cross stretches under the waves and becomes an anchor, traditionally a symbol of hope. At the same time, however, the cross is not static, it bends towards the faithful as if to go to meet them, embodying presence and security.

Finally, the 2025 Jubilee Motto is indicated in green, Peregrinantes in Spem, Pilgrims of Hope.

The logo therefore fully summarizes the meaning and value of this Jubilee, becoming an effective symbol.