Frequently asked questions


How many days will it take to receive my order?

The estimated arrival date depends on the type of shipping chosen, on average 2-5 working days for Italy, 4-9 working days for the rest of the countries where we deliver.

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship worldwide

Where are orders shipped from?

Orders are shipped from Italy.

How are delivery costs determined?

Delivery costs are determined based on the weight of the shipment and the destination.

Is it possible to ship orders to an address other than the one on the invoice?

Yes, it is possible to ship orders to an address other than the one shown on the invoice.

Can I choose a shipping address in a different country than the one I placed my order from?

Yes, you can choose a delivery address different from the country you placed your order from.

Once I have sent my order, can I change the delivery address?

No, once you have sent your order you cannot change the delivery address.

How can I track my order?

You can track your order from your account through the tracking link we sent you in your order confirmation email.

Can I change or cancel my order if it hasn't shipped yet?

You cannot change or cancel your order once you have placed it.

Can I collect my order in store?

You can collect your order in store through the dedicated feature on the site. Show up at the store with your order confirmation, indicating your name and surname to the staff present in the store.

How long does it take for orders to be processed?

The Site records the request for orders 24/7. Depending on the period, requests are handled in 48-72 hours. The order is considered to be processed only after the payment for the order has been registered. Orders placed and processed cannot be modified.

How long does shipping take?

The Products that are available in the warehouse will, as a rule, be delivered in the shortest possible time and in any case, indicatively:
• in Italy, within 5 working days of receiving payment.
• in EU countries other than Italy and in other countries, within 5-9 working days from receipt of payment.
Delivery will be made by a specialized forwarder, with appropriate packaging/packaging to the recipient's address indicated by the Customer. The delivery terms indicated above refer to the products present in their warehouses and must be considered non-binding and you can subsequently confirm or modify them, depending on your needs.

Why were delivery charges added to my order? (Customs Duties)

Please note that shipments to non-EU countries may be subject to customs duties and import taxes, calculated based on the value and type of products. These additional costs are the responsibility of the customer and are collected at the time of delivery. We recommend that you contact the customs authorities in your country to find out the applicable rates in detail. Customs duties are subject to frequent changes, depend on numerous factors (type of product, country of origin, trade treaties in force, etc.) and may vary over time.

Why do customs duties change so often?

Tariffs are a tool used by governments to protect domestic industry, regulate international trade, and generate revenue. Trade policies can change over time in response to economic, political, and geopolitical factors.

What affects the amount of customs duties?

  • Product Type: Each product has its own customs classification and specific customs rate.
  • Country of Origin: Duties may vary depending on the country the goods originate from.
  • Value of goods: The value of the goods affects the amount of duty to be paid.
  • Trade Treaties: Trade agreements between countries may provide for reductions or eliminations of customs duties.

To have precise and updated information on customs duties, it is essential to contact official sources or professionals in the sector (Customs Agency, online tools and calculators that can help you estimate customs duties, customs brokers).


What is Jubilee Official Store®'s return policy?

If you are not satisfied with the item you ordered or you have simply changed your mind about your purchase (or purchases), you can return them within 14 days from the delivery date.

In what condition must the item be returned?

Before returning, items to be returned must be handled and stored with care, in order to return them in their original condition and packaging, complete with their original labels. The loss of commercial value caused by the incorrect storage of the returned item may result in a reduction of the amount refunded.

Will shipping costs be refunded if I return an item?

No, shipping costs are not refunded unless the products are found to be defective or damaged.

Can I request a replacement product instead of returning it?

We do not offer product exchanges. If you wish to exchange your item for the same model in a different size or color, you will need to request a return of the product and then place a new order. You will receive a refund after your return has been received and processed by our warehouse.

I received a different product than the one I ordered, defective or damaged: what should I do?

If the item you ordered is defective or damaged, you can start the return procedure. Once your product arrives in the warehouse, it will be evaluated.

What should I do if I don't have proof of purchase?

Returns are not possible.

Can I return a Jubilee Official Store® product purchased from third-party sellers?

No, you have to go directly to the store where you purchased it.

Can I return a product purchased at a Jubilee Official Store® online?

No, you must go to the Jubilee Official Store® shop.

Can I return a product purchased online by delivering it to the Jubilee Official Store®?

No, you must start the return procedure available on the site.

How long does it take to process a return?

The return shipping time by the courier can take up to 5 working days.
You will receive an email confirming the crediting of your refund, if applicable, once your return has been received and processed by our warehouse.
Processing by our warehouse may take 2-3 business days from the date of delivery by the courier.
Depending on the payment method used, it may take up to 14 days for the refund to be credited, if applicable.

How do I request a return for an online order collected in store?

To request a return for an online order collected in store, you must complete the return procedure on the website.


How many days do I have to wait to receive my refund?

It can take approximately 14-20 business days to receive your refund, if due.

The refunded amount is incorrect: what do I do?

Write an email to, our operators will take charge of the request and you will receive feedback within 48 hours.


How can I pay for my order?

You can pay for your purchases with credit card, debit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and bank transfer.
We accept most major credit cards, such as Visa, Visa Electron, Master Card, Maestro, American Express and PostePay. Payment must be made in the currency and under the conditions indicated on the Order before it can be sent.
Payment will usually be made upon order confirmation.
Orders paid by credit card, debit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay will be processed immediately. Orders paid by bank transfer will be processed as soon as the sums are credited according to the banking times which are approximately 2-5 working days.
We will send your Order to the shipping address indicated on your Order Confirmation. However, we can only send documents by email, to the email address provided at the time of Order.


How can I receive updates on news and offers from Jubilee Official Store® products?

You can receive updates on news and offers from the Jubilee Official Store® website by subscribing to the newsletter or by registering on the website.

Can I unsubscribe from the Jubilee Official Store® newsletter?

Yes, in all newsletters received there is an "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email.

I have purchased from or found a site that sells non-original Jubilee Official Store® products, what should I do?

Jubilee Official Store® products are accompanied by numbered anti-counterfeit labels on each product.

What can I do if I can't find the answer to my question here?

Contact our support at